Discover the Many Ways to Finance Your Eagle Crusher Purchase

Learn about stated option leases, fair market value leases, accelerated payment programs, skip payment programs, and conditional sale programs.



A stated option lease allows a contractor to finance equipment without a large up-front payment. While there is a large payment at the end of a stated option lease, the customer makes an advance payment (equal to two monthly payments), then realizes equal monthly payments for the term of the stated option lease. In this way, customers retain cash flow while using the equipment. At the end of the stated option lease, the customer can purchase the equipment for a guaranteed amount—thus eliminating the risk of making an unknown “fair market value” purchase. You may want to consider consulting a CPA or tax advisor to determine whether a stated option lease is best for you.

Real-World Scenario – Stated Option Lease

A contractor wanted to get his UltraMax® Series crushing plant on the job but didn’t have a large down payment. A stated option lease was established, and the customer made an advance payment (equal to two monthly payments), then made equal monthly payments toward the purchase of the equipment. Under another program, the contractor would have had to pay 15% of the total equipment cost before the equipment could be delivered to the job site. By selecting the stated option lease, the contractor maintained cash flow for the duration of the contract while making his equal monthly payments. In doing so, he earned enough profits to pay off the crusher in a lump sum at the end of the lease.


A contractor purchased an Eagle Crusher plant with a fair market value lease. The contractor established a covenant with the bank to carry the equipment off the balance sheet in order to secure financing and conserve his existing line of credit. This financing option allowed the contractor to get the equipment on-site and working while still maintaining a line of credit in case of emergency or unexpected expenses during the term of the lease. The profits earned with the crushing plant during the lease period allowed the contractor to pay the appraised value of the plant at lease end. This end-of-lease appraisal also helped the contractor determine the resale value of the equipment if he chose to resell it.


Fair Market Value Leases

Also called an Off Balance Sheet Lease, this financing option is linked to the covenant the contractor has with the bank, financial institution or bonding company for an On Balance Sheet debt. It’s similar to the stated option lease in that there can be a lump sum due on the equipment at the end of the lease. The amount due is based on the fair market value of the equipment at the end of the lease period, as appraised by the financial institution. You may want to consult a CPA or tax advisor to determine whether a fair market value lease best meets your needs.



An accelerated payment program is the quickest way for a contractor to build equity. Such a program increases the value of a trade allowance in the event of an early trade-in and is ideal for contractors who don’t have a huge net worth. Of all the financing options, this has the lowest gross repayment. The customer will actually be paying less in interest costs. Since the contractor is paying the bulk of the equipment cost in the early years, the accelerated payment program is also one of the most attractive to lenders.


A producer bought an Eagle Crusher plant under the accelerated payment program and set up a repayment plan that allowed him to pay 40% of the cost of the equipment in the first year, 30% of the balance in the second year, 20% in the third year, and so on. The producer built equity fast because he paid for 70% of the equipment in the first two years of the financing plan. His interest costs were lower because he owed only 10% of the balance in the last year of the contract. Making smaller payments in the latter stages of the plan also freed up more money for repair and maintenance on the equipment. These expenses typically occur with any equipment after four or five years of hard use.


A contractor purchased an UltraMax® crushing plant in March and had the equipment up and running immediately. The company made higher monthly payments from March in large part to the significant productivity the Eagle Crusher plant provided. The contractor made no payments on the plant in December, January, and February, when winter weather forced him to stop production. When he resumed production in March, he continued this payment process until, after 60 months, the plant was paid off completely.



This option is particularly appropriate for contractors doing business in colder climates, where weather shuts down production for all or part of the winter. The skip payment program is designed to match the customer’s sales period. It is often the ideal choice for companies that have equity and are able to make higher payments during the months of the year that they are producing.



As the most common financing option, the conditional sale contract requires an initial down payment and equal payments spread out over several years. Often referred to as a straight purchase, this is the easiest repayment structure of all. With a conditional sale contract, a contractor usually establishes equity up front by making a significant down payment with no money due at the end of the contract.


A contractor who had been crushing concrete and asphalt for several years purchased an UltraMax® crushing plant through a conditional sale contract. Due to his qualifying credit, he was able to finance the plant at 100% (no down payment required). He made equal monthly payments and interest for the next 60 months. At the end of the 60 months, the contractor owned the equipment outright. Throughout the duration of the contract, Team Eagle enabled the contractor to gain profits and build equity.

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