Why Consider Financing your Eagle Crusher Portable Crushing Plant?
If you’re a crushing operator with decades of experience, or someone looking to get into the crushing business, there’s no need to jeopardize your cash flow or delay getting your Eagle Crusher portable plant to the job site. With interest rates near their lowest in 20 years, now is the time to finance. Team Eagle has the resources to help you secure financing and increase revenue. Our expert finance consultants understand the specific needs of the crushing industry and are deeply knowledgeable with Eagle Crusher equipment and its value as collateral for your loan in order to provide financing that fits your needs. They even have the tools to help you build your business case to show just how quickly you can get a return on your investment with Eagle Crusher equipment. We do the heavy lifting, and you benefit; Eagle Crusher is able to offer 100% financing with qualified credit, same-day quotes, flexible payment options, competitive terms and conditions, and application-only programs. Our Team Eagle consultants can help you select from one or more of the following personalized financial programs: A stated option lease allows a contractor to finance equipment without a large up-front payment. Customers retain cash flow while using the equipment and at the end of the stated option lease, customers can purchase the equipment for a guaranteed amount—thus eliminating the risk of making an unknown “”fair market value”” purchase. A fair market value lease or off-balance sheet lease is similar to the stated option lease in that there can be a lump sum due on the equipment at the end of the lease. The amount due is based on the fair market value of the equipment at the end of the lease period, as appraised by the financial institution. An accelerated payment program is the quickest way for a contractor to build equity. Such a program increases the value of a trade allowance in the event of an early trade-in and is ideal for contractors who don’t have a huge net worth. This option has the lowest gross repayment, and the customer will actually be paying less in interest costs. The skip payment program is designed to match the customer’s sales period. It is often the ideal choice for companies that have equity and are able to make higher payments during the months of the year that they are producing. This option is particularly appropriate for contractors doing business in colder climates, where weather can shut down production. As the most common financing option, the conditional sale contract requires an initial down payment and equal payments spread out over several years. With a conditional sale contract, a contractor usually establishes equity up front by making a significant down payment with no money due at the end of the contract. We’re here to do more than help you finance your crusher—with Team Eagle, you get complete support—from research and development, sales and service, financing, and the best aftermarket support in the industry.
Serious Projects Demand Eagle Crusher. Eagle Crusher consistently leads the industry in new product innovations. We stand by our products with unsurpassed service and support to make your job easier. Get serious. Get Eagle Crusher. • Durability and longevity • 24-hour parts and service • American made • Highest productivity and profits • High resale value • Celebrating 100+ years of service